Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 11, Period 70+71+72

Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 11, Period 70+71+72

1. The aims: - Help Ss listen for specific information.

 Practice ask and answer about sickness.

2. Objectives:

a. Language focus: -By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information.

b. Skills: speaking, listening.


1. Teacher's: lesson plan, cassette, CD.

2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.


I. Organization(2') Greeting + checking member.

II. Checking the old lesson + warm up.(5')

- Call Ss to write vob on the blackboard.

- Write the qs and answer about sickness:

+ Hoa/ a headache

 Whats wrong with Hoa?- She has a headache.

- Teacher gives marks and remarks


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Planning date : ..
Teaching date : ..
 unit 11 Keep fit, Stay healthy.
Period 70: B2-3
A./The aims and objectives
1. The aims: - Help Ss listen for specific information.
	 Practice ask and answer about sickness.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus: -By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information.
b. Skills: speaking, listening.
b/ Preparation:
1. Teacher's: lesson plan, cassette, CD.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedures
I. Organization(2') Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson + warm up.(5')
- Call Ss to write vob on the blackboard.
- Write the qs and answer about sickness:
+ Hoa/ a headache
 What’s wrong with Hoa?- She has a headache.
- Teacher gives marks and remarks
III. New lesson (35)
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1. Pre-Listening. 
* Survey B2 P111.
- T gives subject and ask Ss work in group of 4.
- Ask the secretaries to give the results of their groups.
- Combine the results for the whole class.
- Ask the Ss to answer the question.
 What was the most commen illness ?
 What was the least commen illness ?
 * Open prediction
- Ask Ss to work individually to guess the days lost through sickness inclass 7 last semester:
a. cold (.....) b. headache(....)
c. toothache(..) d. flu(...) e. stomachache (.)
- Get feed back
2.While listening
- Ask Ss to listen and check their prediction.
- You listen to it and completa the table by writing the days in each column.
- Call on some Ss give the answers.
- Get feed back
Answer key.
Tolal days lost: 112
3. Post-Listening.
* Circle the old word in the following list.
a. A.ill B. sick C. sad D. unwell
b. A. flu B. Flat C. cold D. headache.
c. A. doctor B. nurse C. dentist D. teacher
d. A. sleep B. take care of C. nurse D. look after
- Call on some Ss give the answer.
- T controls and correcttheir mistake.
- Listen carefully.
- Ss can answer in Vietnamese.
- Ss choose a secretary for their group.
(Ss use the table B2 P111 to take the survey)
- Work individually
- Work individually
- Listen and check
- Copy down
- Listen and doas T request.
IV. Consolidation(2')
- T consolidates the lesson again
V. Homework(1')
- Ask Ss compare the days lost through sickness in class 7A with those in their own class.
- Learn vocab by heart, and do Ex 2+3
- Prepare new lesson B4	
Planning date: ..
Teaching date: .
 unit 11 Keep fit, Stay healthy.
Period 71: B4
A./The aims and objectives
1. The aims: -Help Ss understand about the details about the common cold.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus: -By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand about the details about the common cold.
b. Skills: speaking, reading.
b/ Preparation:
1. Teacher's: lesson plan, poster.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
c/ Procedures
I. Organization(2') Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson + warm up.(5')
-Ask Ss to do exercises on the board
1. Yesterday, I (have) .a bad cold. I (have)  a headache, too.
2. What (be) .wrong with her?
 -> She (eat) ..a lot of things. She (have) .a stomach.
-Teacher gives marks and remarks
III. New lesson (35')
1. Pre-Reading.
* Ss learn new words.
- Common cold (n): cảm lạnh /trans/
- Disease (n): bệnh / exams/
- Symptoms (n): dấu hiệu, triệu chứng / exams/
 - Runny nose (n): sổ nước mũi /mime/
- Light fever: sốt nhẹ /situation/
- Disappear (v) biến mất / exams /
- (to) cough: ho /mime/
- (to ) sneeze: hắt hơi /mime/
- (to) cure :chữa trị /trans/
*Check: Rub out and remember
*Pre questions
- Ask Ss to guess and answer the questions
a. Why do people call the common cold ?
b. What are the symptons of the common cold ?
- Get feed back.
2.While reading: Reading B4 P 112.
- Ss read the text then answer the pre-questions.
- Call on some Ss read before class.
* Matching. ( guessing the meaning)
 Uppleasant biến mất
 Rerlieve khó chịu
 Disappear ngăn cản
 Prevent hồi phục
3. Post reading: Comprehension questions
 - Ask Ss read the text again and answer the questions.
- Call on some Ss give answer.
- T gives feedback.
Answer key.
a.Because every year millions of people catch it .
b. They are: a runny nose, a light fever, coughing and sneezing.
c. No, there is no cure for tthe common cold.
d. No, these medicines don’t cure a cold, but they relieve the symptoms.
e. We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit and stayin healthy.
- Listen carefully and answer the questions.
- Ss can answer in VNese.
- Listen
- Repeat in chorus and individually.
- Copy
- Play game
- Work individually
- Read and check
- Correct the pre-questions.
- Listen and do as T’s request.
- Read the text again and answer the questions
- Work in groups
IV. Consolidation: (2')
- T retells the symptom of the common cold
- Did you catch the common cold?
- What are the symptoms of the common cold?
V. Homework: (1')
- 3+4 (p. 72 + 73)
- Learn vocab by heart
- Prepare the “test”
Planning date : 
Teaching date : 
 period : 72_- WRITTEN TEST (3)
Time: 45 minutes
A./The aims and objectives
1. The aims: - T helps ss do the exercise to test themselves about grammar and vocab from unit 9 to unit 11.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus :- Ss can use their kwoledge to do the test.
b. Skills: writing
b/ Preparation:
1. Teacher's: lesson plan, paper test.
2. Students: pens, drafts.
C. Procedures
I. Organization(2') Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson + warm up.(0')
I/ Choose the best answer (A,B or C)to complete the following sentences(3points)
Her parents .. in Ha noi last year.
A. lives B . is living C. lived
She .very happy yesterday.
A. was B . is C. were
is it from the school to market ? long B. how far C. how many the green dress? It’s 30.000 VND
A. How much B .How C. How Long Nga ? She is 37kilos.
A. height B . weight C.heavy 
 you open your mouth please ?
A. Can B . Would C. Do
II/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets(2,5points)
He(be not) at home yesterday .
She (buy ) a bike last week?.
They (eat) dinner yesterday.
Ba (watch) TV Last night.
 He (teach) math at this school in 1986.
III/ Match the items in column A with the items in column B (2đ)
 A B
1. What is his height ?
2. what is the matter with you ?
3. How heavy is he ?
4. How far is it from your house to school ?
a. about 2 kms
b. 1,45meters
c.I had a headache
d. 40kilos
IV.READ.(2.5 ms)
Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang.They saw sharks,dophins and turtles.They saw many different types of fish.Liz thought the colorful little fish were the most beautiful.There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the Aquarium. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap. It had a picture of a dolphin on it. Liz wore the cap all day. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster. She put it on the wall at home. After their visit to the aquarium, the Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch. Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab. Liz looked at the fish. She remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium. She ate noodles instead.
Đỏnh (T)vào cõu trả lời đỳng và (F) vào cõu trả lời sai.
1.Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang 
2. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a poster ..
3.The Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch  
4.They ate seafood  
5.Liz ate fish and crab. 
Answer key:
1.C 2. A
3. B 4. A
5. C 6.BA
Question II 1.Was not	 2.Did - buy
3. ate	4. watched 5. taught
1.– b 2- c 3 – d 4 – a
Question IV: 1.T 2.F 3. F 4. T 5.T
Cam Son secondary school	The test 3
Full Name:  Class 7
	Time allowed: 45 minutes
I/ Choose the best answer (A,B or C)to complete the following sentences(3points)
1. Her parents .. in Ha noi last year.
A. lives B . is living C. lived
2. She .very happy yesterday.
A. was B . is C. were it from the school to market ? long B. how far C. how many the green dress? It’s 30.000 VND
A. How much B .How C. How Long Nga ? She is 37kilos.
A. height B . weight C.heavy 
6. you open your mouth please ?
A. Can B . Would C. Do
II/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets(2,5points)
1. He(be not) at home yesterday . .
2. She (buy ) a bike last week?. ..
 3. They (eat) dinner yesterday..
4. Ba (watch) TV Last night. ..
5. He (teach) math at this school in 1986. 
III/ Match the items in column A with the items in column B (2đ)
 A B
1. What is his height ?
2. what is the matter with you ?
3. How heavy is he ?
4. How far is it from your house to school ?
a. about 2 kms
b. 1,45meters
c.I had a headache
d. 40kilos
IV.READ.(2.5 ms)
Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang.They saw sharks,dophins and turtles.They saw many different types of fish.Liz thought the colorful little fish were the most beautiful.There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the Aquarium. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap. It had a picture of a dolphin on it. Liz wore the cap all day. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster. She put it on the wall at home. After their visit to the aquarium, the Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch. Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab. Liz looked at the fish. She remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium. She ate noodles instead.
Đỏnh (T)vào cõu trả lời đỳng và (F) vào cõu trả lời sai.
1.Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang 
2. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a poster ..
3.The Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch  
4.They ate seafood  
5.Liz ate fish and crab. 

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